Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Of bulls, china shops, and more

Yesterday's post about a bull in a shopping mall in Bangladesh led to a comment from an anonymous reader, linking to a video where the bull-in-a-china-shop theory was put to the test. I thought you might like to see it.

This, in turn, led me to another video, showing a team of rather gymnastic bull-baiters (I won't call them matadors or bull-fighters) demonstrating their skills, to the undoubted confusion of the bulls concerned.

That's pretty remarkable stuff! However, I don't think I'll join them. One slip, and . . .



Anonymous said...

The last one is Minoan bullfighters from Crete, isn't it?
From what I learned, bullfighting in Minoan Crete was ritualistic, the bullfighters tried to get as close to the bull and jump over it without getting hurt, or hurting the bull.
I've heard the practise still lives on there.

Home on the Range said...

Lovely to Look at
Delightful to Hold
But if you do gore it
We'll mark him sold.